The ones more on the right were done by me, sun, moon, spiderweb, etc. The rest I had some help from 'young & enthusiastic' creators. I know it looks childish. But hey! isn't there a kid in us all somewhere??? I was just fooling around, besides I am still in the beginner's stage. ;P
I made these for my BIL's housewarming. It was a very small occassion and I made them just for the kids. At least I received some compliments, which makes my effort worthwhile. I can say this was the turning point for me actually. After this I made up my mind to learn more and experiment more. Of course being a FTWM isn't easy. So time is an issue for me.
Also is the fact that my I have no proper basic equipments to begin with. Hahaha.........but at least I can do some simple baking with what I have for now. So that means I have to go shopping!!!!! (LOL when I have the money lah) Hmmm........I should take a pic of my equipments.
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