I came across a butter cake recipe that looked simple enough and I just needed to buy the butter. The recipe was taken from Aunty Yochana (she is so creative, I hope she doesn't mind me mentioning her). I was hunting all over my place for some cake margarine which I never managed to find. I went to IMM, NTUC, Shop n Save and Phoon Huat. Sigh! Cannot find lah. Give up, and buy more butter.
I almost followed the recipe. Why I say that is because, I realised that I have to beat the eggs till soft peaks form. I have never tried them. "Arrgggghh! How? Will my handheld be able to handle the pressure???" Well, there is only one way to find out. I was beating in intervals, cos I don't want to overheat my mixer. "Explode in my face how?" 25 mins have gone. Still no sign of soft peaks. But they were getting there, just that I got too tired and my sons were testing my patience. So just went ahead to fold the 'barely there soft peaks' into the flour mixture.
This is how it looks like.
I came across some cute silicone moulds for jelly at Daiso. But it was indicated not to used above 230C. "Hehehee........why don't I try to make little cakes in this?" There was enough batter so I just poured into the moulds and 'PING' another idea. I opened my cupboard, took out my nutella and mixed on top. They were great too.
These silicone things are so cute!. Now I so....... wanna get more of them. They are actually the size of say normal rubberband. When I have the chance to make jellies, will post them too.
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